드레스 모델 착용 이미지-S1L1
김나현 강사

Classic Pilates Institute(CPI) Certified Teacher
Classic Pilates Institute 기초해부학 과정 수료
Gyrotonic® pre-traning course
Gyrotonic® Foundation course
Gyrotonic® review course

재활트레이닝 전문가과정 RTS Lv1 / Lv2
재활필라테스 지도자 과정 (기구/매트/소도구)
산전 산후 임산부 필라테스 지도자 과정
소도구 메디컬 트레이닝 전문가과정
소메코 해부학 교육
리커버링 워크샵
스탠딩 매트 워크샵

•SABINA FORMICHELLA International workshop
pilates for shoulder & neck pain
foot & ankle conditions and leg alignment
biomechanics of pialtes evercises & The non-linear approach

•CHRIS ROBINSON International workshop
The Men’s exercsie, The classic cadillac, The small devices
Uncle Joe’s Mat, The Simple spine, Big chair/Little chair

•MIGUEL SILVA International workshop
The soul of “Contrology”- The original Mat
improve your workout with small details – working with small equipment

•NICOLE Smith Alvarez International workshpo
Athlete at all ages
more than just a chair

•BRETT HOWARD International workshop
The classic pilates chairs
understanding The knee joint
understanding The spine

드레스 모델 착용 이미지-S4L1