악세사리 모델 착용 이미지-S5L1
최요원 강사

Classic Pilates Institute(CPI) Certified Teacher
Classic Pilates Institute 기초해부학 과정 수료

임산부 산전 산후 필라테스 과정 수료
건강 운동 관리사 1급 자격취득(생활체육지도자 1급)
운동 재활 트레이닝 자격 취득

The Classical Pilates Chair, Using scaffolding in the pilates mat and Classic Pilates Super
Advanced Certification by Brett Howard
Spinal, Trunk Abnormalities and Knee Abnormalities Certification by Brett Howard
Controlled tension in hands and feet and Gym in a door way Certification by Nicole Smith
The soul of Contrology - The Original mat and Improve your workout with small Details - Working
with Small equipment Certification by Miguel Silva
Precision on the Chair and Get long and strong on the Cadillac Certification by Jean-Claude Nelson